Where have all the blogs gone? They’ve turned into…
Dear all,
Since March, the majority of messages and communication have been sent to you all through the Seesaw APP. Please do not hesitate in contacting us if you require further support – remember that no query or question is too small-just get in touch.
My Headteacher blogs have been taken over by the weekly stories and you can find these on ‘Story time with Miss Deakin’ on our homepage on the school website. I think you’ll find them quite comical- I have to say that I’m amazed at how my technological skills have advanced recently, after an iMovie tutorial with Mr Gilmour.
We are so proud of you all and the effort with home learning tasks is incredible. We do look through all Seesaw posts because we miss you all so much. Every day away is a day closer to us being together again so keep positive and keep watching our teacher videos on Seesaw. Mr Gilmour has put the Electric Dreams video and my ‘bloopers’ video on our website under the well- being section. It is under the heading ‘Something to make you Smile’ – have a look!
Something else to make you smile…I had looked back at my Headteacher blogs that I had written over the years and, as I looked at the image on the Headteacher blog page, realised that Mr Gilmour had been causing mischief again by changing the feature image to this…
Now, this is a perfectly normal picture of a Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher when they are driving a gator full of bananas and following a float on field day (dressed as Gru and his brother). To the people who do not know us and have not heard of our school and antics before, this could have been one of those moments where one may have a perplexed opinion of the management team. The bloopers video was self explanatory but this is ridiculous!
This week’s story is The Gruffalo…I hope you enjoy it. For any children coming back into school over the next couple of weeks, you need to wear full school uniform but do not worry about buying new school shoes before September, if you have outgrown them. Please remember your book packs and water bottle. Everything else is provided.
Have a lovely weekend.