After teaming with up National Careers Week and working towards our Lancashire Schools Equality Mark – over the course of the next year, St Francis will receive a range of visitors from people of all walks of life to talk to the children about their careers, dreams and aspirations. Part of the focus for the year is to challenge stereotypes.
Children at St Francis were treated to a visit from a professional sportsman this afternoon; Ryan Paul Davies, former professional boxer and now professional wrestler came to visit the children to discuss life as a professional athlete, how to never give up and follow your dreams! An inspiring talk, along with plenty of questions from the children, ended with the children joining in with Ryan’s signature ‘RPD!’ chant! A big thank you to Ryan for coming along to inspire the children and answering some great questions!
Ryan does have an upcoming event on the Friday 30th November 2019 in Wigan – if you are interested in going, please contact school for further information.