We are Fabulous and Funky!
Well, the sunshine is bringing many happy times and we are delighted to inform you that our young gymnasts came 1st -again! Well done to Tabitha, Thomas, Penelope, Ivy, Ethan-you were absolute stars! Thank you to Mrs Luke and Mrs Davies for training the children and supporting them with their amazing routines.
You can’t beat getting good quality new pieces of furniture and we are delighted with our recent reading areas in Fairsnape and Beacon classrooms. When you receive a catalogue entitled ‘Fabulously, Funky Furniture’, you can’t help but explore the possibilities of classroom transformation. The new library is taking shape too and this will be finished next week! Our heartfelt thanks go to a wonderful parent donator who funded the Beacon Class library corner.
I can’t believe that it is the time of year (again) where we prepare to say goodbye to another wonderful class of children. Preparations for Beacon Class play are going well and staff are all busy preparing special words of wisdom and thanksgiving for each member of Year 6 for the final Mass of the year. Please note, we have had to change the Year 6 Mass time to 10.00am on Monday 15th July. You are all very welcome to come. Year 6 children moving on to Our Lady’s and St.Cecilia’s will be at high school taster days tomorrow-they seem so young to be moving on to Year 7 in September. We hope they have a good day getting used to new surroundings.
Beacon Class are thoroughly enjoying Judo lessons and our children are looking forward to more trips before we break up.
I have attached a previous letter from our Eco-Warriors just as a reminder that we are collecting plastic bottles containing plastic packets and things that cannot be recycled. The children will be making tables, benches and seats for our school playground using the plastic filled bottles you send into school. Please keep these coming in!
Eco Council Newsletter May 2019
We hope that our Music Showcase Concert can go ahead on Tuesday evening at 6.00pm. Please can children in BAND, CHOIR, GLEE CLUB AND ALL MUSICIANS return confirmation slips tomorrow from the letter that was sent home on Friday.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend.