VR videos, minibeasts, World Book Day, Ash Wednesday and…
What a busy time we are having!
It was lovely to have Ash Wednesday Mass and have a full church! Children from St.Marys Claughton came to join us from Class 1 and the Reception children from both schools sang a hymn together. Well done Reception children from both schools- we can’t wait to team up for more events. In the Summer term, children from St.Mary’s will be coming to join our school band and we are very excited to spread musical happiness to more children and the wider community. Next half term, coffee morning concerts will begin again and we will be showcasing the songs the children are singing for the Last Choir Standing competition next Wednesday in Fleetwood.
KS2 children had a wonderful time studying geography and science through a VR experience and even I enjoyed going diving with great white sharks! The VR company used our school to make a promotional video but, ironically, I don’t have the technical capabilities to put this on our website so this is a job for Mr Gilmour next week! I have included some of the pictures the company sent us from the filming day and I think they speak for themselves…
Beacon Class had a super topic launch with a visit from John Vale (Creepycrawly Roadshow) and it was so informative. The classification work that followed the launch was great…
We had a visit from Michael, who came to talk to us for Fairtrade fortnight. This has inspired us to broaden our school fairtrade stall and further involve our children in young enterprise and justice…
World Book day was a success and we have already had some pictures of children for our extreme reading competition- keep sending them in! We are involved in so many reading activities in school and we are looking forward to our author visit from Dan Worsley next week. Please remember, you can purchase Dan’s books in school on the day and he will sign them for your children.
Well done to all of our Reception Class, who had all of their poems published in the young author’s book- we were told they were all so good that they had to include every single one- amazing!
On Monday next week, Christine from CAFOD will be going to St.Mary’s Claughton for our big CAFOD club re launch and Mr Gilmour will be bringing our eco council and CAFOD club from St. Francis for a joint event. The children will be writing to you to support our Lent fundraiser ‘ Walk for Hunger’- you can find links to the CAFOD website on our website under the faith and RE section.
As we enter our journey with Jesus throughout Lent, we pray, fast and give to others, deepening our relationship with Christ.
Let us pray for world peace together.