Video Messages and my first weekly story…
Hello all,
Please check your Seesaw accounts for mine and Mr Gilmour’s video messages- and the first weekly story read by me. I hope they make you smile. This week’s story is The Smartest Giant in Town.
Every Monday morning, you will receive a new video of me reading a favourite story to your children in a different place around school. Your class teachers will put a Monday morning video message on there too.
Mr Gilmour will also video message a challenge of the week for you to test yourselves.
Don’t forget that we are all here for you and we will work our magic to get your children back up to speed in September. Please don’t put pressure on yourselves and do have a look at our safeguarding and well being section on our website.
You also find further information if you visit NHS Every Mind Matters website.
Contact us any time you need to.
Click on the book covers to read the first two stories with Miss. Deakin.