Trout farming, The Linking Network and lots of fun!
In typical St.Francis’ style, we have a visual feast of displays in and around school. We have had more VR learning in our KS2 classes…
and we have have had police visits…
…whilst also celebrating national Storytelling Week!
The children are amazing us with their talents and they are flying. I love it when the children bring me their work and tell me all about their learning. You know when they are comfortable in school when they just bob into my office and pull up a chair with their book in hand!
Above, you will see Beacon Class acting the story of The Great Race. We have all been learning about Chinese New Year and we look forward to a music and drama Chinese New Year workshop day coming soon!
It is always a great joy to walk around the classrooms and see what the children are doing and I am having a particularly great time checking in on Fairsnape Class. Last year, Ms Silvester took the children to the River Ribble for a day trip. This was an extraordinary ending to the topic and it seems that we are already immersing the children in some prior learning experiences before the topic comes round again next year!
Ms Silvester’s Class are working alongside the River Trust and we have a tank of trout in the classroom for observation and then release into a local river when the fish are strong enough. It is very exciting!
Fairsnape have now met their new friends from Deepdale Community Primary School. On Monday, both schools went to The Burnley Youth Theatre and we previously sent the children poems about ourselves, bunting and a PowerPoint about our school! The Linking Network enables children and young people to explore identity, celebrate diversity, build on community and champion equality through the development of mutual understanding, critical awareness and active citizenship.
We have joined this wonderful initiative to develop a vocabulary of shared humanity and skills of dialogue.
We are very proud of our school choir, who are rehearsing in preparation for The Last Choir Singing competition on Wednesday 22nd March. The children are singing a unique arrangement of Swing Low Sweet Chariot- well done!
Our school band are also very busy and we can’t wait to see you all at the end of half term concert in church on Friday 10th February at 2.00pm. All children will be performing and you are all most welcome to come and enjoy a musical showcase with us.
Have a look at some of our beautiful displays …
As part of KS1 Space Explorers topic, children in Parlick Class and Reception Class enjoyed a super trip to Manchester Museum. The children studied music and sound as a focus and Mrs Davies informs me that we really should invested in some musical Lego- this will be looked into very soon!
On Monday, Beacon Class are going to a local supermarket with a budget in order to buy their own food to make lunch on Wednesday. The children are learning all about the circulatory system and keeping healthy. Pictures will follow soon, you will love their class display and you will be blown away by their work!
We are in awe with the standard of art in Beacon Class (and all classes) and we are continuing to reach new heights with art in school as we continue our ArtsMark journey and work with others…
As part of safety week, we will be welcoming the RNLI into school to talk to us all about water safety and keeping safe in an emergency.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend- we hope to see you for the music concert in church on Friday at 2.00pm.