Together again…with instruments, voices and a chicken swing?
Welcome back!
Walking around school has been a joy, as always. Our junior classrooms have had cupboards removed and extra learning zones created. New furniture is here and all is great.
Assemblies have been together again but last week’s assembly was interesting because most of the children seemed to have forgotten how to join in with our songs. This is when you realise the effects bubbles and time away from our routines have had. There I was, stood at the front leading assembly and clearly only entertaining and singing to myself WITH ACTIONS. In fact, I can only describe myself as a one person show and it was slightly deflating at 9.00am on a Friday morning! If I had to score myself on the actions to ‘ If I were a butterfly ‘ I would have given myself full marks ( I’m not sure anyone else would). Nevertheless, smiles came when I handed out golden awards and other such celebrations and the final song seemed more of an audience participation!

We have sent home logins for Bug Club online and there are more reading and phonics resources on our website under ‘curriculum’ then ‘phonics and reading’. Mrs Davies and I have made a new phonics and early reading parent workshop video for you. This will be sent out on Seesaw on Monday and I will put the PowerPoint on the website under ‘phonics and reading’ alongside the other useful resources like word mats and links to websites.