Steward’s of creation, church links and a busy curriculum!
It has been a wonderful few weeks back in the school routine. I say ‘routine’ but there has been so much going on that we have not always been able to stick to our planned timetable! So far, we have had our weekly Class Masses and St.Francis’ creation Mass, a fantastic harvest celebration day in church (where the work of many kind and dedicated parishioners created beautiful displays to celebrate harvest and all of the natural gifts from God), a family Mass and the season of creation work in all classes (you can see our work below).
As a school, we have enjoyed our season of creation and the children have contributed reflective thoughts, words and actions. Our season of creation finished with our St.Francis’ whole school Mass on the 4th October. The children sang the hymns so beautifully and we are very proud of how our youngest children joined in with prayers and responses. Thank you to all who came to our family welcome Mass last Sunday. It was lovely to see you there and it is always appreciated when you can come. Our next whole school Mass will be All Saints Day on Tuesday 1st November at 10.00am in church. Please do come along and join us for the first Mass of the half term-all families and friends are welcome.
We have enjoyed a visit from the education department from UK Parliament to teach us about British Values and democracy, sporting events, Space Week work and presentations, unbelievable art work in Art and Design and Design Technology and much more. Next week, we look forward to welcome Beverley Jones, a 5x paralympian in shot put and discus! Well done children for working so hard and for representing our school so well in events. Children from St.Mary’s Claughton are joining St.Francis’ netball team for a practice tournament before going to Stonyhurst next week for a Primary Netball Festival-we wish them luck in the competition. We also congratulate our football team for coming 3rd in Preston schools-well done!
Have a lovely weekend. We hope to see you in school on Friday 14th October at 2.00pm for our Macmillan cake sale music concert in the school hall. All children will be singing and performing a medley of songs with drama and instrumental performances-not to be missed!