Space Week, snails and survival…
Space week and survival…
We have had a super week. There have been many things to celebrate and we have had such an enjoyable time together. Space Week was superb and the children all presented their work to each other in an assembly.
As you can see, the work produced was of a wonderful standard and the children learned so many new facts. This all links with our Black History Month celebrations and what a great way to honour the women in space.
We have been busy planning some fantastic trips and Mr Gilmour is even going pumpkin picking with the nursery children very soon!
Yes, it has been all go down there and I now have a regular slot in the nursery reading stories. Ted has requested that I come back to read another story ( you have to respond to popular demand) so I will be reading a story before I head off to band. The recorder players are now trying to instruments to progress to and the various sounds coming from the room next door are quite unidentifiable!
I had to chuckle this week as Mr Warren has requested candles for the music room that I have still not had fitted with electric lights. The room was completed a while back but it is one of those things that you forget about when you close the door. It is quite a big music room and it will be great when we have light- the call to the electrician has already been made!
I have been enjoying looking at displays around school and I had to share some of these with you…
Year 1 and 2 art…
Reception Class mark making…
Beacon Class art and survival stories/ poetry…
Fairsnape Class have been working very hard indeed and have been enjoying their work about space. They are preparing to go on a trip to Beacon Fell to eat their home made picnics as part of the Healthy Humans topic.
It has been a very busy week and we look forward to next week when our infant children are heading off to a sports competition, Fairsnape go to Beacon Fell and Beacon Class go to Blackpool Zoo. All in a days work!
Parlick have been writing letters from the whale to the snail from the classic book The Snail and the Whale by Julia Donaldson and they have been undertaking many writing tasks and art tasks through this stimulus. Mrs Tyrer and I were quite excited when she told me they were putting up a huge display of Snail and the Whale work in the corridor. I had remembered an artist we studied in Year 2 and the children produced work based on The Snail by Henri Matisse. I googled it to show Mrs Tyrer, thinking this would be a perfect match, and we found it quite comical because it does appear as quite a basic collage and Mrs Tyrer has far higher expectations for the children. Oh dear, I will say no more on the matter but we have had no choice but to consider Kandinsky for snail inspiration!
Have a lovely weekend everyone and please remember to download the Safer Schools APP to keep up to date with online safety for your children.