Passionate speakers, hen salon and new coats…
What a super week we have had. It started with Mrs Rossall’s class having a visit from a real marine biologist. The children enjoyed the rock pool roadshow so much that we got in touch with Delia Webb, a marine biologist, who is passionate about saving the oceans from pollution. It was shocking to see the impact of single use plastics in our oceans and we ask you all to continue to bring in bottle tops of various colours for some grand scale pieces of art work. Beacon Class wrote incredible persuasive letters to local MPs to raise a heightened awareness of this situation and recorded these with such passion and expression.
The idea for the bottle tops is that we will create a wonderful recycled art gallery at the front entrance of school for you all to see-just where the picnic benches are at the stone wall. The art work will be in the style of the artists the classes of children study in the curriculum, but with a St.Francis’ creative twist! Mr. Gilmour doesn’t believe that I will be able to create a huge hanging whale using old plastic toys (I spotted a plastic beach spade in one of these) and other such blue and white plastics so I have now set myself this challenge! Please can you send in any hard plastics that are blue and white in colour for me to create something like this with the children…
We had some wonderful news that Charlie in Year 2 had his art work selected to be exhibited at the Royal Academy of Arts. The children’s art work really is stunning around school and even our nursery children have been engrossed in printing this week -with the use of cucumbers and mushrooms!
The outdoor science area looks amazing and the bath is now filled with vibrant colours. The ‘mystery bulb’ is causing quite an investigation but that’s exactly what Ms Silvester intended for the area!
Wandering round school was lovely…until I found a full class of children learning to sew with REAL needles and I decided to tend to the ducklings in the hut outside instead of becoming involved. Mrs Davies, Miss Woodcock, Miss Forshaw and Mrs Tyrer had everything under control and I didn’t want to disturb the concentration of the children. The children have finished another big write and they are now making waistcoats for Mr Toad! We will show you the finished products on a display soon- including the poetry sailing boats-you will love them!
I have never experienced a hen having beauty treatment but Mrs Batterbee is an expert with chickens and Pinky had an overhanging beak. With a file and gentle clipping, Pinky must feel like a new hen. Thank you for the help Mrs Batterbee- I look forward to the second appointment next week! On the same theme of animals, there has been a mystery gift left in the guinea pig pen in the shape of a seeded, grassy bell and it is nearly the same size as the smallest guinea pig. We thank whoever has left this tasty treat!
Please remember our dressing up book day next Wednesday and don’t forget that we are having a COVID safe uniform swap after the half term. Please send in any good condition old uniform next week and we will quarantine the clothing over the half term break ready to be swapped after the half term.
Thank you all!
Have a lovely weekend.