Our Stars Shine Brightly…
I often refer to our children as stars because they shine in everything they do. Even when things are difficult, they sparkle because they always try their very best. One of our governors emailed me to congratulate our league table success as one of the top performing primary schools in the country. I had forgotten about this because we are so used to our natural ‘sparkle’ at St.Francis’ that we sometimes take it for granted that we do well. Results can change year on year and different circumstances affect score boards but I do know that our children are very talented and kind individuals and our staff are highly skilled and dedicated. This week, we won £100 and were presented with a cheque from Furness Building Society on behalf of OJ’s charity. Some of our children filled Smartie tubes with money and we found out that we raised the most out of all other primary schools. Our head girl, Libby, had promoted this throughout school and we thank her very much.Following or huge gymnastics success last week, I couldn’t believe that our ‘small’ school had managed another win. Whatever we do, we do well because we do it wholeheartedly and that it what always makes the difference.
I have had a lovely week being with the children and watching them thrive in a variety of lessons and curricular activities. We have some very small Judo experts, fencing naturals and even more musicians joining the band. I can’t wait for the Goosnargh concert on Sunday 4th February. This is going to be our biggest yet because we have so many children involved. Mrs Davies is going to be there with her Glee Club and Mr Warren will be coming to lead the school band and choir. Come along if you can and bring your families and friends to support our children. I took a couple of pictures around school and I think they speak volumes about the happiness and sheer joy that exists in and around our school. I do love walking around (that isn’t all I do) and getting involves in activities. I have lost count of how many children have visited my office to wow me with their work and I can see such a positive work ethic in all classrooms. Digging around in mud when you are 2,3 and 4 years old is absolutely what it is all about. Digging in mud is a very technical skill that is not to be underestimated. For little people, it is a time when friendships are forged and problems are solved. Many concepts are involved and much joy is had. A small world castle filled with giant puppets and writing frames develops vocabulary and sparks imagination. A simple book creates laughter and opens worlds of learning and runaway chickens cause unrest! Our gymnastics teams gave us a demonstration in assembly and they were amazing! Well done for such confidence and wonderful skill!
National story telling week begins next week and the infants are going to visit a castle-some will be going on their first ever school trip!
Have a lovely weekend.