Our new reward system
We are reaching for the stars!
Children in the infant department will be able to earn themselves a star badge according to their house point colours. Once they have earned themselves a badge for excellent behaviour, effort and going the extra mile, they will keep their badge to wear with pride. Mr.Gilmour has an additional star badge system in Year 2 to really encourage the children as leaders of our infant department.
Each of our junior children will be able to earn three stars: bronze, silver and gold. All children in the juniors are’going for gold’ and they will be presented with a bronze star to begin with. A bronze star is earned through excellent behaviour, effort, kindness to others and being a junior role-model for our younger children. A silver star is earned for the reasons above and for going the extra mile. Random acts of kindness, excellent manners and behaviour consistently in and around school will mean a silver star badge can be presented in assembly at any time after a bronze badge has been earned. Going for gold is not easy, but it is achievable for all. This is the final star to wear with pride. Children who consistently go above and beyond to be helpful, Kind, hard working and a true representative of St.Francis’ School will be regularly noticed by all for their efforts. We hope that all children will earn all three stars by the time they are in Year 6. The star badges should all be worn with pride. Children can be proud of themselves when staff, visitors, friends and families constantly ask what they earned their badges for. We are incredibly proud of our children and we know that this will be a positive way in which to celebrate their individual personalities, talents and efforts.