Mesmerised, moving and manners at the bonspiel…
It was one of the most mesmerising and stunning performances from our children at last night’s choir competition. Our children represented our school so well and we couldn’t be more proud of each and every one of them. Thank you so much to all who came to support us- we do appreciate you making the journey and being with us for the evening. Thank you also to Mr Warren, who is a pleasure to have in our school, teaching music to such a high standard. Thank you to all staff for always being there with a smile and a helping hand.
We were certainly moving for Lent…
Our Journey with Jesus connected with our Big Lent Walk and we actively visited stations of the cross and responded with prayer, giving or reflective activities. Thank you for helping us to raise £154.00 for CAFOD. Street Pastors are very grateful of the clothes for the local homeless citizens and Ribble Valley Food Bank will soon be receiving the food items you donated. Thank you for your kindness.
It is always lovely when people we have never met before comment on our manners. Mr Gilmour took our curling team to the bonspiel (a curling competition against other schools) and the children were great! Not only did they have a lovely time but our children were noticed for their excellent behaviour and manners. They only lost by a point but that is okay because they had chip barms, cookies and a wonderful experience. Thank you the staff at the Flower Bowl; it is not every day you get to take part in an Olympic sport!
We had a very happy International Happiness Day (which is a good thing because it wouldn’t have gone very well if it wasn’t happy)! The children mixed up and worked together to recognise things they can do to make themselves happy or discuss little acts of kindness to make other people happy. Basically, we had fun and games and it all linked with the ‘My Happy Mind’ work we do in school from Reception Class.
Please do come and join us for Easter Sunday Mass at 10.30am in church. It is followed by an Easter Egg Hunt for all children to enjoy.
We thank you all, as always, for your support and we wish you all a peaceful Easter break.