Maypoles and Rainbows
It is always nice to begin with something nice-hence I have started this blog with pictures. Above, you will see our new Head Boy and Head Girl with our little library. Congratulations also go to our deputies Charlotte, Ryan and Elliott. Our other children in year 6 are prefects, house captains and have various other important and essential roles. We are very proud of all of our Year 6 children and we thank you all for being superb role models to all.
I have selected this next picture because it encapsulates all that is infant learning-the curiosity and inquiry approach. It is so important we develop children to be independent and critical thinkers and this can certainly be observed within this picture. The children love learning in the Pod and other outdoor zones-what a great link of geography and scientific learning.
I have to tell you that the purpose of the maypole in this PE lesson was not for social distancing, although it worked incredibly well in this instance! I happened to be working outside in our lovely entrance area with Mr Gilmour when I suddenly became very distracted!
We were ploughing through the task of reviewing (what feels like a thousand) policies and I had reached the point where I couldn’t look at the laptop screen any longer. The time was approximately 2.00pm and I hadn’t left the office all day. Usually, I’m out and about around school but this was a job that had to be done. After finding our change of scenery and hoping this would get me back on task, I heard the sound of folk music! I expected to see Morris Dancers with sticks and bells on their toes. Instead, I saw children taking their ribbons and happily marching to the tune. That was it! I couldn’t possibly continue with reviewing policies when I could watch this-and it was great!
It always amazes me how quickly children pick things up and this is what I have observed in all classes this week. The children are back to it and very busy learning. The classrooms look amazing and I know how incredibly hard our staff are working to ensure safety and great learning opportunities for the children. Thank you all!
On Thursday, I was in the nursery outside area pegging up some wonderful creations when, in the corner of my eye, I saw something small and very pink behind me. It was one of our 2 year old children, who had happily trotted in to see me as her mum was waving at the gate. The pink back pack on this little one was almost the same size as the person wearing it but she was very excited to see that I was wearing my rainbow bottle of sanitiser. Two weeks ago, I had used the colourful rainbow as a quick distraction method and she had clearly remembered it was me who wore it! We had an interesting conversation (using the glorious language of a 2 year old) then we made sure that she remembered she wore a rainbow on her pre-school emblem. All was well with the world and off she climbed over the mountainous step into the classroom with her back pack firmly in place.
What a journey we are still all on-thank you all for being so supportive and positive.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend!