Lovely Robins and Advent Sparkle
We are well into our very special Advent Season and we still have so much to do!
Last week, our Glee Club children wowed us all with their ‘Sparkle and Shine’ and it was so lovely to see the children bring so much joy to children, staff, families and friends. Well done children and thank you so much to Mrs Davies, who leads our Glee Club every week.
Thank you to two of our children, who came to represent school at the Our Lady’s Advent Service. The art work from Beacon Class was beautiful and the children read very well.
Staff and children from Our Lady’s came to visit us and record our infants for an Advent video. This included many primary schools from our Preston cluster and it resulted in a collaboration video. As always, it was lovely to join our friends from our partner school St.Mary’s Claughton…
When I went into Reception Class, I was amazed at the beautiful robin art work. It was in Golden Assembly that I became aware of Beacon Class sketch book robins and it seems that everybody has noticed the progression of art skills from Reception Class to Year 6! The robin water colour cards will be sold at the Christmas Fair this Friday and you will love them! Just look at one of the pages from a sketch book-fantastic!
And now…Reception Class robins on display…
Reception Class have been teaming up with their buddies to create some amazing Van Gogh paintings. Our buddies are incredibly nurturing with our little ones and we thank them all for being so kind…
The school band children and all of our KS2 classes have been rehearsing for the Carols Around the Tree concert on Friday-parent participation is a must!
In DT, Parlick Class have made some moving Great Fire of London scenes -with wind up water buckets!
We still have so much to look forward to…our Nativity, Carol Concert, Pre-school Mini-Carols, Christmas Fair and the pantomime. As always, the children ( and staff) continue to give 100% and it really is a pleasure to see all of the wonderful work. Well done to all!