Livin’ on a Prayer…literally!
Last Sunday, a very wise person told me that I need time to watch the grass grow. It is difficult to do this in the midst of start of year business but I actually managed to do this for part of the week. Wow, it was great!
I’m doing a lot of coming and going at the moment but it keeps me on my toes. I’m fortunate to have two sets of brilliant staff to work with and two schools full of amazing children. As I listened to children in Beacon Class singing the old Bon Jovi classic ‘Livin’ on a Prayer’ I thought about the collaborative space projects that we are in the process of organising with the children at St.Joseph’s. We are sending prayers to heaven on a nine foot helium balloon with two teddies, Francis and Joseph, who will be wearing a 360 degree video camera so we can actually see space. Yes- you heard correctly! From Fairsnape Class came Bob Marley’s ‘Three Little Birds’ and everything really was alright.
Our new starters have settled in well and they certainly are a busy little bunch of learners. Mr McGill led a phonics and Reading workshop and we can safely say he is our very own Mr Tumble! Parlick Class are thriving and Year 1 children have quickly settled into new routines. Nursery children are enjoying their weekly visits to our new library and the canopy is finished. The Rotary club have been amazing. The children are in the process of making a card and invitation to invite them for an official opening and celebration of thanks for making and installing such a substantial canopy.
Our library wouldn’t have been possible without the amazing donation from the Whitechapel Charity- we will also be inviting them into school to say thank you and show them what a difference they have made for our children.
As I took time to watch the grass grow, I noted what a great place it is. Happy faces and great resources. We have worked hard to create a design and technology workshop and the children will love it. The poly tunnel and Pod area is looking great too.
Roger, our lovely Grandad helper, came to fix new wooden tops to our wire spool tables and chairs, which were kindly donated by another lovely Grandad, John from Longridge timber- thank you very much!
The baby bantams are doing well and Tiny is ruling the roost. Our lunchtime caretaker club begins next week alongside the Fantastic Book Awards Epic club. You can read more about this on our English page. Dates for your diaries are on the newsletter. Our choir and glee club will be needed for Sunday 6th October to perform in memory and celebration of Stephanie Butters, a well loved member of Goosnargh who loved community and the heritage of Goosnargh and Whittingham. It will be a wonderful concert. We are also working with Lindy King in order to raise money for The Bahamas- more information will be coming soon.
My aim to become and ICT whizz is well under way and I will be joining children in LEGO coding lessons. We have now sorted all parts into the correct compartments and it is ready to use.
Next week, we will begin collecting any non perishable items for Harvest in time for our St.Francis Mass on 4th October where all donations will be sent to a local food bank.
Have a lovely weekend,