It’s Only Rock and Roll…but I like it!
What a super week we have had. Looking through our website media library has highlighted just how busy we are.
Fairsnape Class are thoroughly enjoying the Rock and Roll topic and Miss Silvester has a super trip planned to deepen History and Geography skills.
Band was brilliant and I was stunned to see out trumpet players stood in a line playing the theme tune to Rocky- without music! I can’t wait to watch the children perform in the Showtime Goosnargh concert next Sunday. The band and choir are amazing- you will love it!
I am not sure where the time is going but I do know that the last few weeks of this half term are going to be fun. Mr Gilmour and I will be going on two trips this week with Parlick Class and we are undertaking an NSPCC week soon. We will be inviting families and friends in for a safety week and the children will be leading a ‘keeping safe’ evening workshop, which will also highlight social media and internet safety.
On Friday, six little tots came into my office and they were wearing writer tool belts and carrying clip boards. Children in Reception Class have writing tool belts and these are worn when the children go outside (because you never know when you might need to write). They had been in The Millennium Walk and had been tree leaf writing after planting some new seeds. The children are flying high and they are certainly wowing us in all areas of the curriculum.
You may have previously read that I am enjoying being in Pre-School every Thursday and what a joy it is. I was told that I am invited to a birthday party and I can wear one of my ‘flower dresses’ but I will need my mummy to drive me in her car. I have also introduced a new Peppa Pig land into the room and this has caused an absolute hive of activity. Small world areas are essential in developing language and communication skills and Peppa Pig is taking an active role in doing this! I couldn’t believe the imagination of the nursery children and it was wonderful to observe such positive social and emotional interactions. It really is a lovely place to be.
We are already preparing for next half term, where our children in GOLF UFA will be going to a local driving range. We are looking forward to another author visit and we will be guessing the career of another visitor! We also have ‘The Last Choir Standing’ heats in Blackburn and World Book Day dressing up fun.
At the moment, we are involved in an environmental project with Longridge cluster and we are collecting crisp packets to make into eco bricks. If you are making eco bricks at home, please keep sending them in as we would very much like to make a reading shed for outdoors and other outdoor pieces of furniture. Our children will be teaching other school children how to make eco bricks so we hope this recycling venture can make a difference.
Enjoy the rest of the weekend!