It’s all go! A curriculum extravaganza!
What a very busy week we have had. Monday began with us visiting St.Mary’s Claughton for a CAFOD club joint workshop. We were joined by Christine and two chaplains from St.Mary’s Blackpool for a quiz and research into Kid’s Zone on the CAfOD website.
On Wednesday, a Viking came to visit for the day and he was great! Beacon Class thoroughly enjoyed this part of their topic…
It has been great to see new displays around school. Fairsnape Stone Age stories are fantastic!
And then I walked down to the cottage and found this…a huge ( and I mean huge) Jackson Pollock inspired piece of collaborative art work. The school looks like an art gallery!
Reception Class sang their little hearts out in assembly with a new hymn. You will find this on Seesaw to watch and enjoy…
We are delighted to be going through to the finals of Last Choir Standing and we thank the parents and children who came to this event. Well done.
The children were so moved by the entertainment that they linked arms and sang along.
Our author visit was super…
When I stopped looking at art work and finally got into the cottage, I found a new row of first and second prize trophies for even more sports competitions we have entered. Unbelievable!
Careers week was great and we thank parents who have been into school to discuss their careers and inspire children, following our ‘dress as your future self’ day!
Beacon Class have been helping Reception Class with Lego Coding…
And this is all in one week!
From all of us, have a lovely weekend.