Illuminations, buckets and Shakespeare…
Well, this is an exciting blog because I am excited to write it!
I have loved seeing Beacon Class at work this week as they are now making their own individual DT moving cams mechanism light up miniature illuminations! Still immersed in the seaside topic, the children are now being their usual creative selves…wow!
Keeping in with a seaside theme, the Year 1 children came to visit me with buckets ( coffee cups) in hand-literally buckets of writing and the water flowing from the home made buckets told the stories…I love it!
I went in Parlick Class to see their display and absolutely loved the Lighthouse Keeper baskets full of writing and work around the popular book, all under one roof! Tucked inside the weaved baskets are recipes, letters and stories- lots of text types around the theme.
The outdoor gazebo is a fabulous addition to school and the children have been using this for Shakespeare workshops. Beacon Class are making lapbooks about their Shakespearean learning and I can’t wait to see them. The enthusiasm for learning is wonderful and I am pleased that the children are confident to perform again. Mrs. Rossall and I had our first Artsmark meeting and it was great to network and share ideas with other schools far and wide. We are looking forward to the children performing again as a school and I hope this will be in September. Our musicians are brilliant and we can’t wait to have our band together again!
I had a nice surprise from a Year 6 child today. If I could have asked for any gift on a wish list, this honestly would have been it. Filled with tools, I now have a PROPER toolkit and not just a hessian bag containing a hammer and cable ties- this is a solution to many of my grand design limitations and I have even filled my belt with sparkly stickers, a note pad, certificates and a pen for emergencies of the education kind!
Some of our children will receive their First Holy Communion this Sunday and we keep them in our thoughts on their special day. Mrs Doran, one of our governors, has prepared the children and taken so much time in ensuring this is a special day for the children and families- thank you- and thank you to all who give their time so freely to support the children.
I wish you all a restful weekend.