Pre-School Uniform
You can buy Pre-School jumpers from Mary Frances in Longridge. Children will need a green Pre-School jumper and a white polo-shirt (plain without logo) to wear underneath. Other clothes will be of own choice from home, including footwear.
We provide waterproof Rukka suits for your children, but if you would like to bring your own that’s welcomed. We also ask children to bring a personal pair of wellies in for your child, these will all be kept within Pre-School.
Please provide a labelled water bottle that can be sent into Pre-School daily.
Please make sure you dress your child for the weather- we are always outside!
Please provide a lever arch file for your child’s learning journey.
Daily communication diaries will be provided by school. These are sent home daily and you will know exactly what your child has had to eat, drink, any nappy changes and all of the fun things they have done during the day so you can enjoy talking to them about their day at home. Due to Covid regulations, we are now using Seesaw to keep in touch with parents. You can message the team, see photos throughout the session and we encourage families to share excited moments with us to share during carpet time.