Headteacher Update
Dear families and friends,
We are glad you are all well and keeping us informed over Seesaw. It really is lovely to see all of the wonderful things you are doing at home and how children are engaging with the home learning tasks. We appreciate your kind comments and interaction with us- please remember to phone us any time at school for any support or advice. Our school website has many resources regarding well-being and online safety advice. It also includes advice on screen time balance and managing well-being during these different times and it includes parental control tips and resources. With a heightened use of technology, it is crucial children remain safe, remember their online manners, kindness and also have plenty of down time away from the screen.
We are delighted that school is now beginning to return to what is was like before lockdown.
With staff still shielding or on the vulnerable list until the end of July, we are using all resources to have extended year groups in school and we are remaining sensible and careful with how we interact with each other.
To clarify, it is impossible to keep children 2m apart but it is possible for children to have their own space in bubbles and for children to only use their own stationery. We hear laughter in school and in the playground; the day in which all children are in school cannot come quickly enough.
For this reason, we will be inviting children in all classes to come in for a fun day, to be united with their friends again, for all year groups. Each class will be invited into school on a separate day over the Summer holidays and we will have crafts, sports and other activities, finishing with a picnic together on the school field. Year 6 are having their own exciting afternoon together and Mrs Rossall has arranged this. We will not be open over the Summer holidays for any groups of children but staff will come in to be with their classes and the teacher in the next class will also be in, in order for children to have fun with their next class teacher and feel confident on returning in September. Mrs Davies will be coming in too and, of course, Mr Gilmour and I will be in school.
We must close this school year with positivity, happiness and harmony as we prepare for school to be our magical place again in September and I feel it is incredibly important to end what has been a very difficult school year on a happy note.
Things brings me to tell you about the glorious new areas we have created in school and also the wonderful resources we have purchased and prepared for our children…
We are currently obtaining planning permission for a MUGA. We were hoping that this would have been installed and ready as a lovely surprise for the children when they returned in September but we have to work with time restrictions that external agencies have provided.
You know we will get this done as soon as we possibly can. Mr Gilmour and I thought very carefully about what this year’s Sports Premium should be spent on and something for current and future generations to enjoy is something we feel passionate about. Our Governors agree and this will be invaluable for playing sports at break times and lunchtimes but also for after school clubs and a wider variety of sports to be played all year round.
Our DT Greenhouse has also had another transformation! After a visit to So Plants, we returned with a lemon tree, and many other interesting plants, which will be studied and nurtured in the huge planting area to the far end of the greenhouse. The plants will help create a rainforest effect in there and they will also be used for observational art, cooking and science. Whilst we were at So Plants, we collected resources for our new school entrance area- a place for children, visitors and staff to relax and enjoy a calm and pleasant environment. Thank you to Michelle Unsworth for giving us sound advice on creating the areas.
Our UFA groups for September will be very exciting. Staff will lead young enterprise groups, keyboard lessons, horticulture, multi sports, textiles and much more! Children will grow their own vegetables and learn how to market, keep accounts and learn about business sense and careers, with exciting visitors and trips planned. We will also use the foods we grow to give something back to the community and link this in with our charity work.
Staffing for September
We don’t want any of you worrying about the formal schooling children have missed and I will now explain what school will look like in the classes.
All staff know exactly where each child was personally, socially, emotionally and academically when lockdown happened and we are more than ready to settle children back into school in September with key priorities planned for and our beautiful, well-resourced spaces for learning at the ready. Our excellent teachers and support staff are ready for an amazing return in September and we very much look forward to seeing you all then.
Reception Class:
Mr McGill and Mrs Tyrer
Parlick Class Team:
We are incredibly lucky to have two teachers in class next school year.
We are delighted to welcome Mrs Davies back in September and we are equally delighted to tell you that Miss Woodcock will also be in class as the Year 2 teacher. Mrs Davies will be the Year 1 teacher and both teachers will co teach the afternoon topic lessons. They will lead the learning and teacher support for the two separate year groups in the morning sessions but this will, of course, be fluid and they will support all children’s learning.
We have overhauled the library and children can use this as a delightful space for group work, as well as the cottage. The Parlick team will plan together, following our year group curriculum maps, and Mrs B-M will still remain delivering focused group and individual intervention support across the school during afternoons. Mrs Tyrer will be based in Reception class but she will support guided reading groups throughout all of the infant classes.
Fairsnape Class:
Ms Silvester and Mrs B-M
Beacon Class:
Mrs Rossall and Mrs Riley
If any of you are interested in your children having brass, woodwind or percussion music lessons with Mr Warren, we have places available from September. Please contact school for information. You can also contact school about Breakfast and After School Club bookings.
Keep positive, we will be together soon and we can’t wait to see you!
Yours truly,