Happy Easter!
Jesus is Alive!
We know that Easter marks the Resurrection of our Lord Jesus. It is the most important Christian festival and the one celebrated with the greatest joy. On Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene visited the tomb and found that the huge stone had been moved and that Jesus’ body had gone. At first, Mary thought that Jesus was the gardener and when she realised it was Jesus went to tell the disciples. For forty days after this, Jesus appeared to the disciples several times.
We will celebrate Easter (Eastertide season) until the day of Pentecost, which comes seven weeks (or 50 days) after Easter Sunday. Jesus’ Ascension will be celebrated in school, which occured 40 days after His Resurrection. At this very special time of year, we use Eastertide to make fresh starts, renew our faith and hope and to consider the great love God has for us. It is about being the best we can be for ourselves and for the good of all. I recently reviewed our ‘British Values’ statement (which you can read under the ‘about’ section on our homepage) and a quote came to mind:
”A kind heart is a foundation of gladness, making everything in its vicinity freshen into smiles.” (Irving)
When I think about what Easter means for me, and when I think about the cause of so many negative situations in the world, it always comes back to kindness- or lack of kindness and thought for others. When I ask the children the question in assemblies ”How can we be disciples of Jesus and show our love for others?” the children regularly share many ways in which to do this. A common answer is ‘to give a smile.’ It is the one genuine thing we can give to show we care and I am so pleased that we have a school full of smiles and kindness. For me, I couldn’t be without. Those two things can make us so happy and instantly lift our spirits.
This Eastertide, let us grow even closer as a school community for the good of all. It will be a wonderful final term to our school year filled with happiness and smiles. We will see you all on Monday 11th April.