Fireman Dave, another timeline and bubble clubs!
As we come to the end of a very busy and thoroughly enjoyable term, plans for Spring Term are already afoot!
As I went on my daily evening wander around school and observed displays, looked at children’s work and thought about next steps, I had decided that another timeline was necessary for inside school.
The timeline arrived on Monday and Mr Robinson has not stopped studying it!
We have quizzed each other on the historical figures and it is very interesting. It is so interesting that Mr Gilmour has decided to run an outdoor lunchtime Historian Club in the Spring Term for a year group bubble of children, using the huge outdoor timeline and the pod. This will be offered to our passionate young historians and will change in bubbles every half term. The beauty of the outdoor timeline is that Mr Gilmour can teach from a safe distance out in the open – I am, however, still hopeful that we will be able to allow children to all play with each other again and mix in the near future.
The conversation continued and we also decided that another class bubble could have a Geography Club and Ms Silvester couldn’t bare it if we didn’t have a Science bubble club, of which she would lead. Mrs Davies and Miss Woodcock are eager to lead a Year 1 and 2 bubble Glee Club and Mr McGill will lead mini Lego Coding for the Reception Class bubble, using our bespoke Lego Coding kits and iPads. Mrs Rossall is looking at combining DT with History and, of course, when the weather is nicer and the days are lighter, we will resume Netball and Football. You will be sent information about after school enrichment clubs in January when these are finalised and days are decided.
The same class teacher will lead the club in the same classroom so there will be absolutely no mixing and no cause for concern- simply the same classroom, same staff but after school enrichment.
Hopefully swimming will be able to resume and also fencing lessons. Mr Gilmour has contacted the fencing company, who also provide archery and this will potentially also run as an outdoor after school club. Yes, we will get back to a newer version of the new normal and I hope it will soon be back to our old normal.
Speaking of curriculum, I have just had a conversation with a Year 3 boy, who is the same little boy who invited me to watch Tractor Ted at his house when he was in our Pre-School. It shows how quickly time flies because that moment only seemed like yesterday and now he is talking to me about the digestive system in great detail and with great interest. Yesterday, Fairsnape Class made a ‘poo’ out of tight intestines and other interesting resources. I have heard about this non stop today- obviously, the children loved the experiment and I have also been told that we have not lost any eggs this year. The enamel experiment has not defeated us like it did two years ago with the case of the disappearing egg- all are present and correct in their various states of decay!
KS2 Christmas dinner was lovely today with lots of singing and smiles…
With what seems like quite a History heavy blog, I will end with a thank you to Fireman Dave for putting out Pudding Lane and teaching the children about fire safety. The children enjoyed a visual story of The Great Fire of London as they watched the fire begin in the bakery. The children’s DT creations were fantastic and their work around the topic has been brilliant. If you look closely at the last picture, you will see nearly every child’s jaws wide open in awe of the fire!
Have a look at the new indoor timeline with the History board above it filled with topic information. One child told me that our corridors were like a museum because there is so much to see and read- it actually is very interesting and I often see children stood reading facts or discussing the work on the boards!
Next week, you will be sent end of term progress and next step reports via Seesaw and you will also be sent the finished recordings of the KS2 service and the infant nativity.
You know where we are if you need us and you can always send Seesaw messages to teachers. Take care.