Christmas Dinner
Snow White Panto…Oh Yes it is…!
Key Stage 2 Christmas Concert
Christmas Jumper Day To Support ‘Save the Children’
Advent Promises
‘Macavity the Mystery Cat’ Performance Poetry
Learning How We Can Look After Our Wonderful World…
Pounds for Pudsey…Fund raising for Children in Need
Remembrance Reflections…
News reporters of the future…?
The Great Plague Topic Launch
Raising Aspirations
Parliament Virtual Assembly
Electricity North West ‘Switched On!’ Workshop
MacMillan Charity Concert
Space and Climate Change
Designing and making our own satellites
Feast of St. Francis Mass
Celebrating European Language Day
Creation inspired art…
Sparks Might Fly – Apprentice Electricians…
Hockey skills and techniques…
Sparks Might Fly – Pylon Inspired Art…
School and Eco-Council Elections
Stations of the Cross Assembly
Raising Aspirations
An Amazing Art Exhibition…
Martial Arts Masters…
Using our observation skills…
Sports Skill Development at UCLan…
Science Week
Parent Scientists Launching Science Week and Raising Aspirations…
Celebrating World Book Day…
A day of drama at Burnley Youth Theatre with our new friends at Deepdale Primary School…
Investigating the effect acidic drinks have on our teeth…
What an exciting week for Fairsnape! We now have 100 trout eggs to look after until we can release the trout into our local River Ribble. This is such a unique opportunity to enrich our creative curriculum and create a wonderful learning journey.
Introducing our new topic ‘The Art of Food’
Making Christingles for the Carol Concert
Save The Children Christmas Jumper Day
Our Science Learning has been electrifying…
In response to our topic ‘Big Question’…’What are the threats to
habitats and eco-systems; and what can we do to help?’
An exciting ending to our learning all about animals in our Hunted
An exciting ending to learning about Ancient Egypt with a visit to
The Liverpool World Museum
A wonderful field trip to the River Ribble to enrich our river
A virtual reality launch for our Water, Water Everywhere Topic…
World Book Day
Van Gogh Alive – Manchester
Learning About The Past With A Visit From Lancashire Archives
There’s No Place Like Home – History Detectives
Sports Visit to UCLAN
Mini Skills Champions
Design and Technology – Food Tasting.
Space Week 2021 – ‘Women in Space’
Welcome to the 2021/2022
academic year in Fairsnape.
Our ‘Healthy Humans’
topic for Autumn 1 is a
Science and DT focus.
Healthy Humans
Healthy Humans pick n mix homework
In response to plastic pollution,
Fairsnape reduced, reused and
recycled to make a school herb
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Fairsnape’s new topic…learning in our amazing outdoor space…
Fairsnape have loved learning about the
Fairsnape have enjoyed spending time
in the school garden.
What The Romans Did For Us – Spring 2
Fairsnape have thoroughly enjoyed learning about the digestion process…
The Art of Food Topic Booklet – Copy
The Art of Food pick n mix homework – Copy
Sparks Might Fly pick n mix homework
It is absolutely wonderful to be back with the amazing Fairsnape class. We are all really enjoying learning across the curriculum with our topic ‘Sparks Might Fly!’. The Firework Maker’s Daughter by Philip Pullman is providing the inspiration for lots of creative learning. The Science learning has been simply electrifying!
Science Week 2020
Celebrating Our Wonderful Home
A Stunning Performance
Enriching our History Learning
A Great Trip to Lancashire Archives
Our super trip to The Harris Museum to learn about History, Geography and Art!
Some best bits so far this year…
Children in Fairsnape, made their own sandwiches (after learning about healthy eating) and headed up the fell – sandwiches in hand! After filling their stomachs, we set off on a hike, following the map and tracks, the children collected items from their scavenger hunt list. A range of different leaves, sticks and stones were collected along the way as we looked at the signs of Autumn across the beautiful Fell. Staff and children had a great time and learnt so much!
Art day
How exciting…the Harris museum have revealed an amazing sculpture in our assembly. Fairsnape will be learning more about the sculpture and working with an artist.
Space day.
What a superb ‘Space Day’. So much exciting learning took place across the school. It was incredible to see how much enjoyment and fun all the children had. Fairsnape re-created the Apollo 11 moon landing as well as finding out important facts about the Moon, space crafts and astronauts.
Fairsnape enjoying learning all about France!
Fairsnape’s Creation stained glass
window designs.
Fairsnape’s First Week – 2019/20
What a wonderful first week in Fairsnape. We have launched our ‘Healthy Humans’ topic and the children have thoroughly enjoyed creating 3-D models of food for our class ‘Eatwell Plate’. The children also had lots of fun when Mrs Woodhouse introduced Zumba to the children.
KS2 Blackpool Tower Trip!
We all had an amazing time at Blackpool today! The Tower was fabulous with fantastic sights. The circus was excellent with lots of exciting and daring performances that we all enjoyed!
Fairsnape’s Visits to Places of Worship
How does your garden grow?
Despite the rain … Fairsnape continued to develop their tennis skills!
Design Technology
Fairsnape’s future designers in action!
How Does Your Garden Grow?
Fairsnape are really enjoying their topic learning.
The St Francis’ ‘Year 4’ STEM team taking on the tomato challenge!
Our freeze frames of the Stations of the Cross as part of our Holy Week learning.
We had fun seeing how a banana and Weetabix are digested!
Working in groups to make models of the Digestive System.
Fairsnape visit the Science and Industry Museum, Manchester
The children had an amazing time exploring, investigating, solving scientific problems and having lots of fun.
Our egg investigation results.
Fairsnape’s Artists!
Our Super Scientists!
Fairsnape celebrating World Book Day.
Learning about keeping ourselves and
others safe.
Dream Egg Making and Dream Writing
Our Future Olympians!
Fairsnape class busy spotting
information text features.
Fairsnape’s Christmas Crafts!
This week we have been busy making our fantastic Christmas crafts. Fairsnape are a very creative class. We have had lots of fun designing and making these for you!
Making Our Christingles
Fantastic Fairy Tale Writing
Fairsnape has sparkled with fairy tale magic whilst the children have enthusiastically written their own sparkling stories.
Holy Hour
On Tuesday, the children have created their own responses to demonstrate their understanding of the Eucharist. All the children have shown how mature, thoughtful and reflective they are.
12th November 2018
9th October 2018
In preparation for the event at the Guild Hall on 11/11/18 – one hundred years since the Great War, the children of Fairsnape class have been busy little bees. From creating giant artwork, designing a 2 metre tall poem, sharing their family Great War history, painting army helmets for the play, creating a 2 metre suffragette banner … the list goes on! The children have works incredibly hard to bring the memory of the Great War to life. In English, they have created beautiful poetry and wrote some heart-warming diaries from the front-line. They children have really taken to the topic and have enjoyed every second of it!
5th October 2018
Shelia Carroll from ‘Bright Sparks’ came to visit the school for our Electricity Day. The children leaned about the dangers of electricity and how to keep safe, dressing for different roles! They also had time to draw and complete a set of tricky circuits. As you can see from the photographs, the children had a great day and learnt so much!
29th September 2018
Having been off with my knee injury, it has been great to get back into school and work with the children again. The children have started creating explanation texts in their English work. Each child was given the task of explaining how an everyday item works; the items ranged from staplers to paper shredders. Working in pairs the children had to present their explanation and take questions from the rest of the class. Every child in the class showed excellent speaking and listening skills, being able to answer complex questions about their items.
20th September 2018
French Lessons
The children have enjoyed learning French with Mrs Blair on a Friday afternoon. The have started my looking at ‘My Family’, with The Simpsons being the the theme.
13th September 2018
Electricity & WWI
The children have made a great start the electricity topic. They have been learning about where electricity comes from and how it is generated in our homes and schools. We have gone on to identify the the different items that require electricity; going on to consider the world without it! The children have come to realise how dependent we are on the power source. The children used the ‘buzz ball’ to work as a human circuit, allowing the electricity to flow through us all and illuminate the buzzing ball – completing the human circuit. We went on to play the ‘circuit breaking’ game – great fun!
The children (Year 4) have been preparing for the upcoming Longridge cluster ‘Armistice Show’ on November 11th 2018. With over 500 children from the local schools taking part; it really will be an incredible event. Each Friday the Year 4 children will be rehearsing for the show, alongside other schools. The focus this week has been on learning dance moves ready for a dance scene which includes all the girls and female teachers from all the schools taking part. We have also had a wartime expert in class ‘ Woody’, looking at the scene of the ‘Christmas Truce’; the scene which the Year 4 children will perform on the day. The children have really enjoyed the extra topic, looking at the historical and geographical side of the Great War.
6th September 2018
Click on the link below to view the curriculum map for this half term.
Curriculum Map Year 3&4 Autumn 1
Fairsnape Class News…
There’s No Place Like Home
The children have been having some fabulous conversations with their families, talking about places they have visited, where the places are located on a map, places of interest in the area, tourist attractions etc…
Our new topic is very much a geography based unit. The children will be looking at their local area and the United Kingdom, ordnance survey maps, learning how to use maps in general and giving directions using the eight compass points.
The first task over the holiday was to talk to members of their family and ask them where they were born. The children marked this information on to a map (or maps in some instances) and they have really enjoyed sharing what they found out. Lots of new learning has already taken place. The maps are displayed in the classroom.
In P.E this week, we got in to teams and followed clues and maps for orienteering. The children followed a series of directions locating six cones in total. Under each cone was a number they had to remember, totalling up the numbers as they went, before running back to base to see if they had the right answer. If correct, they received a new map…if wrong, it was back to the start. It was lots of fun.
In the second PE lesson, the children were again split in to groups and given just one ball and three cones per team. The children had to devise their own relay game with them. They were so creative and got the opportunity to showcase to the other groups.
The Water Cycle and Ancient Egypt
Update: Mummified Apples
Today, we had the opportunity to investigate our mummified apples. The classroom was filled with squeals of delight and ‘ooh’s’ and ‘ahh’s. The children used their senses to describe what they could see, smell and feel. We got some lovely vocabulary from it.
Seeing the wonder, engagement and enjoyment is priceless.
The children have researched a chosen river each and the work has been put in to a class book. Today, we discussed how rivers and canals can silt up over time. They were fascinated as we watched films of them being dredged.
We have cleaned out our very own river bed today that had silted up. Working as a fantastic team, they have removed buckets and buckets of thick mud and sand, brushed the pebbles, swept the ‘river bed’ and finally refilled it. As we are looking at poetry this week, the children sat, dangling the bare feet in the river, listening to each other read Roald Dahl’s, ‘Revolting Rhymes.’
3D Shapes
When you have such a beautiful environment surrounding us, the lessons naturally lead us outdoors.
The children have been looking at 2D and 3D shapes. Using a pile of wind fallen branches, they were challenged to create 3D shapes as accurately as possible.
Water Water Everywhere and Ancient Egypt topic map
What a fabulous topic with so much to learn. We have started looking at solids, liquids and gases and the water cycle. Around the school there are a number of experiments already in progress…sandwich bags with water on depicting our very own water cycle and measured cups of water to investigate evaporation.
This week we have been talking about and exploring solids, liquids and gases. In class, we melted some cubes of jelly over a candle turning it from a solid into a liquid. We could smell the jelly gas particles in the air…delicious! After lunch, we noticed that the liquid jelly and actually solidified turning back into a solid.
We are also trying to mummify our own apples. The children peeled apples then carved faces on to them. The apples were then put into individual tubs and covered in salt. We have predicted what we think will happen to them. UPDATE: One of the tubs looks like it has lots of water in!
In Art, we have been looking at Egyptian patterns and pictures. Using sketch books, the children have chosen various elements to copy. These elements have then been used to create a unique Egyptian picture. The children are working towards producing a water colour on papyrus paper.
The children came back to school with some amazing facts on Ancient Egypt are were keen to share their finding with peers and their projects. They were amazing and so much time and care had been put in to them.
Our class this half term have been chosen to learn a new skill…archery. Wow! The children are very excited and it is wonderful to see how children take to new things, show natural abilities and also how they support each other.
Year 4 children took part in a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math activity at Longridge High School. The children, in teams, were challenged to design and build a model to move tomatoes down a mountain. The challenge is to take on a real life problem affecting people in Nepal.
The problem: In Nepal many farmers living on the mountainside grow fruit and vegetables, including tomatoes. To earn a living they need to sell these at the local market. The problem is getting to market involves a long, dangerous walk down the mountain side and over a river, at the end of which the tomatoes may well be a bit squashed.
The challenge: To design, build and test a way of moving tomatoes that won’t squash them!
Our talented two teams gained points for their design, working together as a team and then how successful their design was by counting the number of tomatoes they transported.
Stations of the Cross
Today the children took part in their school assembly, re-enacting the final journey Jesus made. It is no exaggeration to say, staff and parents were moved to tears. The children spoke and played their parts with the utmost respect and reverence. The assembly ended with the children signing, Hallelujah.
The children got to spend the morning with British Paralympic swimmer, Steph Slater MBE!
What a great start to Sports Week.
Steph spent the morning with us in class then officially opened our Sports Week. She brought her medals and the children had the opportunity to hold and wear them. Thank you to all the parents for keeping our secret…when the children walked out to see four enormous inflatables on the field, their faces were a picture.
We watched video clips of Paralympics playing Goalball. Goalball is played exclusively by athletes who are blind or visually impaired. It was invented in 1946 to help rehabilitate veterans who had lost their sight during the Second World War.
We played a version of this game in the hall. It is much harder than you think.
Our amazing new topic is all about the Stone Age, rocks and volcanoes!
Science Week:
This week the children investigated ‘rocks’ and how they are formed. Using chocolate, we made sedimentary rocks, igneous rocks and metaphoric rock.
We then looked at videos watching how lava moves, how a crust appears to form on the top, and finally, how it cools and sets. To replicate this, we made cinder toffee in class…our very own igneous rock.
After reading our book, ‘How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth’ we created gorgeous mammoths. Then we wrote our own set of instructions making sure to include prepositions and imperative verbs (bossy verbs!) Our mammoths are now displayed in the classroom and looking fantastic!
Today, we explored the patterns of where volcanoes exist in the world today and where volcanoes have existed in the past. In the activity, we used coordinates to locate volcanoes in different regions of the world to identify a major pattern of volcanoes known as the Ring of Fire. Using the evidence we questioned if a volcano could pop up in our own back garden.
The children have arrived in to school excited to show off their projects…and wow! They are all amazing and so different and unique.
I set myself a task for the half term too, so my kitchen was also covered in Papier-mâché!
We then discussed the three different types of rock:
Sedimentary, Igneous, Metamorphic
…and looked at different examples in class.
Our first task was to look at rocks around the school. We walked around the grounds looking for different types of stone and seeing how they have been used.
We looked at some amazing cave paintings on the internet and then recreated some of the images in class for our books and a fabulous display.
Half term homework challenge!
Fairsnape Homework Holiday Challenge
A Class of Artists…
I am sure you will be absolutely blown away by the children’s art work. Following a step-by-step instruction video, we were guided by an artist to draw a realistic owl.
Exciting Writing!
Here is a picture of our exciting writing display. The children always enjoy writing in this style.
Snow at last!
When it snows, you just have to wrap up warm and go out to play…
back inside, we had great fun warming up to one of our favourite internet sites, ‘GoNoodle’.
National Storytelling Week
This week, was National Storytelling week. We decided this would be a lovely opportunity for our children to write their own stories then read them to the children in reception and Year One…writing for a purpose. We studied a number of traditional fairy tales then looked at fractured fairy tales. A fractured fairy tale is where you take a traditional tale and ‘tweak’ it. You could have, ‘The Three Little Pigs and the Big Bad Monkey’ or perhaps, ‘Goldilocks and the Three Wolves’…the children created fabulous tales with plenty of humour. Here are some photographs of the children sharing the experience together.
This week we worked together with Beacon class to look at signs and symbols used in the Catholic religion. The children formed small groups in church looking at for example, where we see water used, how it is used, when it is mentioned in the bible and what it symbolises. They researched water, the cross, fire/light, bread and wine. hands, white cloths and oil.
Country Dancing
The children amaze us how quickly they pick up a new dance. Fantastic!
Our topic this half term is called ‘Hunted’.
We will be looking at living things and their habitats and constructing food chains and food webs. The children have started to create their information lap books which I know they will enjoy showing you at the end of the topic.
Presents in class…
Imagine arriving in to work in the morning to be greeted with two dead birds on your desk. I think my colleagues know me too well. The birds had sadly died in the greenhouse but the children had the chance to look at them closely and observe their skulls. This gave them the opportunity to compare them to the skulls found in the owl pellets.
We have talked a lot about food chains and food webs this week. The children can tell you all about producers, primary consumers, secondary consumers and tertiary consumers. We’ve looked at apex predators and discussed what would happen if there was one ultimate predator.
During our investigations, we have examined and compared owl pellets. We have measured them, used our senses to describe them, and finally, we have dissected them with some fabulous results. Our owls pellets are from bird from a sanctuary and fed on either mice or young chicks. You can spot who found a chicks leg in his pellet!
We have been promised some pellets from the wild so we are excited for the opportunity to compare their diets. UPDATE…we now have some pellets found in the wild. Watch this space and we will report on our findings.