The CAFOD Club raised £80 from their two stalls at the Christmas Fair!
Children in the CAFOD Club decided to create a ‘Name the Rudolf’ stall and ‘Guess the Sweets in the Jar’ stall. Children helped run the stalls and promoted the work of CAFOD to help others across the world! The money was spent on:
A Sewing Machine
Chirpy Chickens
Emergency Water
School Starter Pack
Vegetable Garden
7. A Queen Bee
HELP THE HOMELESS THIS WINTER! Our school CAFOD Club is supporting #streetpastors by collecting new and/or used warm items of clothing (gloves, scarfs, socks, hats) to give to the homeless in Preston. Our very own Mrs Kirkham volunteers for Street Pastors and talked to the children about why she helps others and what we can do to help.#treatothersasyouwishtobetreated.
Therefore we ask if you could please drop off your new or used warm items of clothing at school and Mrs Kirkham will take them out to the homeless in Preston town centre, ready for when the cold weather sets in.
We are collecting until Friday 1st December 2023. Please give what you can. Thank you.
CAFOD Club is up and running again for this school year! The children were supported by Christine from CAFOD who is came to work with the whole school and the CAFOD Club, focusing on Catholic Social Teaching (CST). The St. Francis’ CAFOD Club are looking at working towards three projects: Harvest collection for the Ribble Valley Foodbank, World Gifts, to help those around the world & they will be looking at supporting the homeless in the local area. As we were the founding member of the CAFOD Club across the UK, we enjoy welcoming CAFOD volunteers and CAFOD employees from the headquarters in London, into school. Christine also spent some time working the newly formed CAFOD Club looking at putting Catholic Social Teaching into action. The CAFOD Club have big plans for this coming winter supporting people all over the world to make big changes – watch this space!
We had a visit last week, a lovely man, who works for CAFOD Headquarters in London, came to visit our school to speak specifically with the CAFOD Club. The CAFOD Club has been up and running for two years now, and we are the first official Primary School CAFOD Club in the UK. We have supported CAFOD develop resources for their website, and resources to send out to school – so that all other Catholic schools can start-up their own CAFOD Clubs. The children took the opportunity to show CAFOD what we have been learning about in school, and to show them what an assembly by the St. Francis CAFOD Club looks like! We look forward to continuing to support CAFOD, helping them get important messages out to more young people!
It was wonderful for our school to have been acknowledged by CAFOD for our work in developing our CAFOD Club. We had two separate visits from CAFOD headquarters, in London, after they asked for our help in developing a new global initiative -CAFOD club for kids. We showed them our resources, minutes of meetings and celebration books of all the service and social justice elements of our work.
CAFOD Headquarters in London, came to visit our school to speak specifically with the CAFOD Club. The CAFOD Club has been up and running for four years now, and we are the first official Primary School CAFOD Club in the UK.
We have supported CAFOD develop resources for their website, and resources to send out to school – so that all other Catholic schools can start-up their own CAFOD Clubs. The children took the opportunity to show CAFOD what we have been learning about in school, and to show them what an assembly by the St. Francis CAFOD Club looks like! We look forward to continuing to support CAFOD, helping them get important messages out to more young people!
Following the final visit, we advised on useful resources that could be incorporated within the packs to be sent out to schools-how exciting!
Here are some of the lovely emails from CAFOD :
Hi James and Sarah,
Thanks for getting back to me so quickly.
I’ve made a few amends to the overview document, which will go out to schools. The latest version includes a photo and quote which references your school’s CAFOD group – see attached. I hope that helps. If it’s helpful I can also send you the photos I took on the day to use as further evidence.
Going forward, as I develop more resources, I hope to use more of the photos and examples from your group to illustrate your great practice. As these resources develop I will send them though for you to use as evidence.
Thanks again for your support.
Best wishes, Gemma
Dear Sarah and James,
I hope you are both well and had a great summer break.
It was so great to spend time with you in the summer term and meet your fantastic CAFOD group. Thanks again for giving up so much time and for agreeing to trial our resources for CAFOD clubs.
I’m pleased to say that the brand new CAFOD club starter kits are almost ready, and one should be finding its way to you next week. As always, we would welcome any feedback you have on it. If possible, I would love to come and visit yourself and your CAFOD club later this term, at a time that suits you.
In the meanwhile, I have attached an overview of CAFOD clubs for your information.
Many thanks once again for your support.
Best wishes,Gemma
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