Creative community cohesion and a busy week…
What a lovely Saturday we had together! With a creation focus to celebrate tomorrow’s feast day of St.Francis’, we came together in our usual community spirit to do something a little different and quite special to mark this occasion. I must emphasise the huge amount of time and effort (and of course much love) that went into preparing for this event. Our parish council members and parishioners went above and beyond to welcome our community to church and to bring joy to everyone who could come. It was lovely to see so many children doing an outdoor animal hunt and for our community to feel reunited after such time apart.
The displays were absolutely beautiful and we even had help from staff at Blackpool Zoo to prepare the animal hunt and learn about animals. We had real animals and we also welcomed a butterfly and a ladybird, who must have got the memo that church would be full of all things creation! Church had a feel of that episode of The Vicar of Dibley, where the animals were welcomed into church for a blessing and all things creation were celebrated with love and great affection! Children and families brought special things to add to the displays and I was amazed to see Dot’s home grown pineapple…an experiment we will certainly be trying at school.
Thank you to all involved in such a great day-we are leaving the displays in church for St. Francis’ Mass on Tuesday for all to see and use as stations of reflection.
This week, we welcomed Ottie to school, as part of Parlick Class topic on animals, and Mr Jones taught children all about his job at animal care. Thank you to Animal Care at Lancaster and thank you for all of the donations to help the animals there.
As we continue to learn about our environment and how we can make a difference as stewards of creation, we congratulate the children who have been working hard as part of the Longridge Environmental Group. It is our responsibility to make a difference in our world and look after our common home.
Well done children from all schools, who showed care, dedication and determination in standing up for what is right.