A pro-active week!
What a busy week we have had. Yesterday, we had a brilliant open afternoon and it was great to see so many parents joining in with their child’s learning. You will soon be able to see Beacon’s rocket attempts outdoors, which will be under Beacon class area. It was a truly enjoyable afternoon. Fairsnape were coming to the end of their Rock n Roll timelines and Parlick were engrossed in their Spring topic. Pendle were making puppets and the whole school was alive with excitement. I have put a few pictures on this blog for you to see just a few of the exciting things we have been up to in school this half term. Don’t forget, you can always look on the class pages to see what learning is taking place in the classes on a weekly basis. We had a wonderful ‘Ash Wednesday’ Mass over in Church and it was great to see so many parishioners joining us. Today, your child is coming home with a wrapped up bin bag and a little note attached to tell you about our ‘Clothe the Naked’ Act of Mercy. You can visit ‘The Year of Mercy’ section on our webpage to find out more.
Exciting UFA and bug hotels!
I don’t usually get much peace and quiet in school but today was an exception. It had reached 2.30pm and I was wondering why I was all alone in the school hall when assembly was due to begin. Not just any Golden assembly-but the showing of our video for any parents who had not yet seen it. Not a single child or adult could be seen so I went to investigate! Wellington boots, gardening gloves, Ipads and smiles could be seen through the window. It was one of our UFA groups in the Willow area creating bug hotels and generally having a great time gardening. As I looked on, a class arrived and sat down quietly discussing what they had just been doing, also smiling. The baking group had a wonderful time and all children had fun.
Floorbooks, NASA and cardboard boxes everywhere!
In Reception class, we have continued our planning meetings and have created floorbooks. We put samples of our work in the books and examples of our planning meetings to show how our learning progresses throughout a topic/theme. These are usually led by the children and keep our excitement alive.
More than Many Sparrows…
More than brightest gold. Our children really are worth more than they will ever know. Today, I was told that I urgently needed to go to The Cottage and, to my surprise, I was met by children singing this song to me. This is one of our choir songs that we sang yesterday at the concert. The children thanked me for teaching them the songs yet they do not realise what an absolute pleasure it is for me to teach them. Yesterday’s concert has been the talk of the school and I am so pleased that we will be uploading the videos for you all to see tomorrow. As our school motto seems to be ‘onwards and upwards’ we can’t wait to perform again and learn new songs. Our school band sound amazing on the video and this has given the children in our school band so much confidence to see. It really is all about teamwork!
Shining Brightly!
Well done to all of our little stars who performed today. You were an absolute credit to us all. Thank you to all parents who brought their children on such a wet Sunday. Your support is wonderful.
It’s nearly ready!
Yesterday, I was delighted to see our nearly finished promotional video of our school. There are already two minutes of filming with three to go and I can’t wait to show you all the finished video. When it is ready, I will invite you all in for a Friday assembly and we will all watch the finished product together.
Exciting prospects and market research…
Well, another week has passed and it has been busy to say the least! There have been so many fantastic things going on in school that I find it hard to remember them all. We have had our promotional video made, rock and roll dance lessons, a space constellation in Beacon class and rocking Robins in Parlick! The Chinese Takeaway in Reception class is going down a treat and the children are engaged in learning about other cultures and traditions. Our school council are heavily focused on The Year of Mercy and raising money to buy wells and water sanitisers for other Countries.