Oh, it is glorious when the sun shines and all is well at St.Francis’. The birds are singing (new ducks have arrived and are permanently arguing loudly on the field), the rabbits are sun bathing sprawled out on the hay ( after feeding 13 hopping babies who are getting little mischievous minds of their own) and new chickens are contently perched on the story telling chair (squawking and covering it in muck of which I have to clean daily). Yes, all is well and we have had another wonderful week.
All parents, friends and family are invited to come along to Dale House in Goosnargh for a school fundraising event. Please see the flyer below for information. Please come along to support the school and to have a lovely day out.
With the help of our minibus, the children in UFA will be going out and about every week. Mrs Rossall and Mrs Jones took the board games group out to Belmont Care Home this week and they brought smiles to many faces. Thank you to the staff and residents of Belmont House for welcoming us. We hope to go again very soon with a different group of children. Next week, the photography group are visiting an art gallery and they will spend the afternoon working with a real artist! Stating the obvious, my animal welfare group needn’t go anywhere outside our school for a few weeks because we have four new chickens and two nests of newborn rabbits to tend to! We have had an unbelievable turn of events regarding our lovely animals and we have been blessed with tiny rabbits- Wallace and Gromit’s ‘The Ware Rabbit’ is no patch on us! We are looking after them with lots of love and care and I politely ask you all to leave the hutches alone because we do not want our scent on the babies, which could most likely cause the mother rabbits to disown and stop feeding the little ones. We will let nature take its course but I will keep a close check on their progress. Mothers and babies are all doing well and the little ones continue to have plump tummies and wriggle nicely beneath the blankets of fur.
When you don’t state the obvious , you should state the obvious! It has been lovely being back in school with all of the new resources outdoors. The stage and amphitheatre have gone down a treat and the children adore this new area. The new outdoor classroom ‘pod’ is a great area that holds a full class of thirty and it will be very well used! At the moment, ‘chicket’-that being the combined name for the rabbit and chicken, who have become inseparable, are loving being free range outdoors and using the new willow dome area as their own! I have ruined two new pairs of shoes trying to catch the rabbit after the wind blew down rabbit kingdom and I have come to the conclusion that the rabbit does not want to return to its kingdom with her other two sisters. The two sisters do not want her back either and we have had a bit of a relationship breakdown in that department. Anyway, all animals are happy and Ronald is back in my free range garden at home. You really couldn’t make it up!
Today, a huge hat and a tiny child walked into my office. Yes-it is reading with Reception day. I could barely see who this little one was due to the size of the huge, black and very wide rimmed hat of which covered not only her head but most of her upper body. How she found her way to my office without a single bump I will never know! I suppose it doesn’t matter what you wear when you read as long as you can see and the hat was clearly an obstruction! After the hat came off, the reading began and it was a great delight! I love listening to the younger children read because the progress I witness every week is phenomenal. The art of blending has clicked with one little boy and this happened at the weekend. On Tuesday, he proudly marched into my room carrying his book whilst I was in the middle of what started as a very serious buildings meeting! It amazes me how one day things just click into place you know they will but it is just a waiting game.
Just have a look at these performances of our Glee club. We are uploading more of our choir and band very soon. This is what Primary School education is all about-having fun and enjoying a wide range of activities. I am sure these will make you smile- I am absolutely awestruck!