Well done Emily, our award winning illustrator for winning £50 worth of books for school! Emily came 2nd in a comic books trip competition, as part of the Fantastic Book Awards that Year 6 pupils are taking part in this year. This is a wonderful achievement for a very talented young artist and keen reader! The children are over half way through their Fantastic Book Awards challenge, as we work our way through our reading challenge - look out for more competition winners!
It was the first week of hearing Reception Class readers on a Friday and I can’t believe how confident the children are. With super phonic knowledge and excellent word recognition and blending skills, the children made me smile-as they always do. Well done Reception Class-keep it up. There are so many special reading areas around school and reading is all about enjoyment. In Reception Class, you will find a mixture of books in all areas of the classroom. I had to smile when I went into the classroom yesterday and saw a variety of travel magazines on the reading sofa-even I had to stop and look at the trips to Disneyland!
Our Football Team played a very good match in the finals. We are very proud of you all and we are very proud of the way in which you conducted yourselves throughout a very tough tournament!
Hello and welcome back to you all! I am absolutely thrilled to be back in one school- my lovely St.Francis’ with all things bright and beautiful going on. Well...
Congratulations to the children you can see in the picture below. They are all passed their Grade 1 ABRSM Music Exams! It takes such hard work and practice- you should all be VERY proud of yourselves!