It was the first week of hearing Reception Class readers on a Friday and I can’t believe how confident the children are. With super phonic knowledge and excellent word recognition and blending skills, the children made me smile-as they always do. Well done Reception Class-keep it up. There are so many special reading areas around school and reading is all about enjoyment. In Reception Class, you will find a mixture of books in all areas of the classroom. I had to smile when I went into the classroom yesterday and saw a variety of travel magazines on the reading sofa-even I had to stop and look at the trips to Disneyland!
Hello and welcome back to you all! I am absolutely thrilled to be back in one school- my lovely St.Francis’ with all things bright and beautiful going on. Well...
What a week this has been. I feel like I am replicating Dawn French in the famous Christmas episode of The Vicar of Dibley, where she spent the day racing from one Christmas dinner to another. I have counted that I will be appearing at 8 Nativities, Carol concerts and various other festive treats where children will be performing. Both schools have a jam packed fortnight ahead and there will certainly be no winding down until the day we break up. This is exactly how I like it.
Time is flying by and the children are amazing. It is such a privilege to be sat in my office and little ones let themselves in the room without so much as a knock. To knock would mean a delay in showing me their work-and waiting is certainly not on their agenda. Bursting with pride, they enter and confidently come straight over to where I am sitting (regardless of whoever else is in the room...a school adviser, a building surveyor or any other member of the wider school team). And then you see it...the breakthrough you have been waiting for. I am talking about the day when the penny drops and they write their first sentences and they finally get it and gain the confidence to carry on and blossom as passionate writers. You all know the feeling when your children have their first break through and there is nothing like it. I have the best job in the world because I get to see many children’s break throughs and proud moments on a daily basis. Daily is an understatement because it is probably hourly and I now need even more award stickers. What stars! I will begin listening to Reception Class readers after Christmas when I am back in school full time. I can’t believe the progress they have made already and I know you are in for such a treat when you see the infant Nativity.