First Holy Communion
Last Sunday was incredibly special for 16 of our children. Congratulations to all of the children who received their First Holy Communion and thank you very much to Mary Doran, who has prepared the children and families thoroughly for this day.
A beautiful May Procession
What a glorious day for our annual May Procession. The children all had very important roles to undertake. We thank all of the parish, families and friends who attended to make this such a special service.
Amazing Learning Bonanza!
It is just such a joy to see all of the exciting learning opportunities going on at St.Francis-I will say no more...enjoy the pictures!
Strawberry DNA…with Reception Class?!
Well, this is an interesting week and I am going to begin with what I saw with my very own eyes…Reception children analysing strawberry DNA!
Action packed!
As we return to school this week, we look back on a very action packed term so far!
Trout farming, The Linking Network and lots of fun!
In typical St.Francis’ style, we have a visual feast of displays in and around school. We have had more VR learning in our KS2 classes…