Advent Joy
After the most incredibly different year schools have experienced, I can honestly say that we need the hope and joy that Advent brings.
As the greatest gift we could ever receive, God sent himself in human form as Jesus.
When Mary was told she was the chosen one, she was frightened but gracious and accepting. This year has been one of which we cannot comprehend and one which has been frightening but we have to accept and support each other, hoping and waiting for a time when we can be together again as a community and when we can be together with families and friends.
We light our advent candles of hope, peace, love and joy and keep in our minds that we are stronger together and we have one common factor… the love of Jesus.
I know this school year has been unlike any other but within our school walls, the children are happy, thriving and enjoying each other’s company, even more so than before. They say that absence makes the heart grow fonder and the children have all had such a successful first term back in school. The standard of work is exceptional and you would never have believed they were off school for four months of a working school year. I can only say this is testament to their positivity and work ethic and it is testament to you all as wonderful parents and carers. It is also testament to our staff team. What an absolute privilege it is to be able to say I work at St.Francis with such a dedicated, skilled and positive team.
This advent season reaches all of us and the children are busy making their advent services and nativity with all the joy and happiness that Christmas brings.
We have a professional team to edit and create the KS2 Carol Service and our infants are just an absolute joy as they prepare their nativity. I will greatly miss coming together in church to watch these special services but we are making an extra treat for you all, which is along the same lines as our Electric Dreams video, and we think it will make you smile. It involves all children, all staff and a Christmas Tree.
Yesterday, the infant children had a lovely Christmas dinner…I think you will like the pictures below.