St.Francis’ Governors annual statement 2024
Governing Body Information :
Our Chair of Governors is Mr Michael Blair. He is also our safeguarding and child protection governor for school. First and foremost, all queries or concerns must be discussed with Miss Sarah Deakin, our Headteacher, as she leads and manages all aspects of daily school life. Should you wish to contact our chair of governors, please find his email address here:
The purpose of governance is to provide confident and strong strategic leadership which leads to robust accountability, oversight and assurance for educational and financial performance.
All governance boards, no matter what type of school or how many schools they govern, have three core functions:
• Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the effective and efficient performance management of staff; and overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent.
The Governing Body plays a vital role in the life of the school. It is responsible for setting the overall strategy, vision and ethos of the school, formulating and reviewing school policies and overseeing the educational and financial performance of the school. Our aim is to provide the best possible education, in the best possible environment for the children who attend St.Francis’ Catholic Primary School with children’s best interests central to decision making.
The Governing Body has a maximum of 16 Governors who are very conscientious and diligent and who take their responsibilities very seriously. They are not paid and they do not receive any expenses. They all freely and voluntarily give their time and effort to the school. Eight of the Governors are appointed by the Diocese of Lancaster (Foundation). They come from a variety of backgrounds and they bring many different skills and experiences to the school.
Overview of Committees The main Committees of the Governing Body were as follows:
Business, Finance (Including Buildings, Health and Safety)
Chair: Mrs. Amy Dewhurst
Remit: Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent. Ensuring that staffing is appropriate to the needs and resources of the school.
Standards, Effectiveness and Curriculum
Chair: Mrs. Mary Doran
Remit: Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
All terms of office have been agreed to be 4 years.
Miss Deakin holds office for the duration of her tenure at the School.
Click on the link to see the attendance register records.