Personal development at St.Francis’ is developed and promoted through a variety of initiatives, experiences with others, theme weeks, trips and much more. Have a look at some of the things we enjoy here in terms of a broader curriculum…
- Canal boat trips
- Pantomime
- Singing in and visiting local care homes
- Eureka trip
- Science museum
- Linking Network-Deppdale Primary and English Martyrs other schools and St.Mary’s children
- Mosque visit with our partner school St.Mary’s children
- Clitheroe castle –ks1 and EYFS
- Last choir singing competition
- School floats and field day weekends
- Myerscough college
- Lancashire Sings 2025
- Bowling
- Zoo trip
- Performing at village concerts –drama and music
- High school links and Advent services
- Street pastors homeless collections links with CAFOD club and many fundraising links to local food banks
Personal school involvement and working with visitors/other agencies:
- Diana Award Anti-Bullying
- Wheelchair rugby KS2 all experience what it is like to be in a wheelchair and nurture care, compassion and empathy
- Parliament outreach programme and parliament week
- MP visits to our school and youth social action work
- Tower Wood residential
- Inter schools competitions small schools and with St.Marys triatholon, Judo, fencing lessons
- Primary Futures-When I Grow Up’ initiative-we won!
- Black History month
- PTFA and socials-children with stalls
- Careers fair in the hall
- Virtual visitors-marine bioligst, Windrush, history topics
- Plague assembly and workshops
- MacMillan music charity events
- Start of day current affairs/British Values links
- Extra-curricular clubs
- National week and theme week engagement eg. Refugee Week, Anti-bullying
- NSPCC –Speak out stay safe, school visits and workshops, types of abuse, Techosaurus, Pantosaurus etc
- Online information for families and the community
- A diverse curriculum to provide reflective, rich and diverse experiences.
- CAFOD world gifts
- Safety talks from visitors, RNLI, fire service, police, ambulance, different careers
- Bikeability
- Big thinking questions support wider thinking
- Child lead children: Young enterprise –making things to sell at school events to support charities, music monitors, librarians, school council
- Year 5 buddies to Reception children
After school clubs:
- Chess
- Archery
- Fencing
- Glee
- School band and choir
- Art
- Geography
- Science
- Football, netball, forest school summer term
- Shalom Academy Kenya links
- Many sports competitions throughout the year for all children
- Season of Creation, Pilgrims of Hope, spiritual development constantly through RE curriculum.
- Linking Network
- HRSE curriculum
- SMSC audits completed and reflected upon
- Catholic Life and mission through CATHOLIC SOCIAL TEACHING
- Care home visits and links
- Linking Network
- Paralympian visit and we fundraise linking with sports
- Virtual visits to enhance our curriculum and ethical thinking questions
At St.Francis’ we love outdoor learning. We have a ‘Millennium Walk’ area-a special place full of beauty just beyond our playing field, creation and growth, chickens, a prayer garden and planting areas. We have an outdoor fire pit, math’s trail, mud kitchen, swings and much more. It is great for orienteering, collaborative team building and having fun!