A Touch of Inspiration
I am sure that it was ‘Ferris Bueller’ who said “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
This is certainly true. This week, I have seen children saying first words, Year 6 children excelling at SPaG (and enjoying it), Year 5 children with genuine laughter and incredible kindness. I also went on a hunt for a very peculiar smell. This could have led me to different areas around school, but it was the Fairsnape Class scientists who were the culprits. Egg experiments are ongoing and I just love to see how maths, writing and science link seamlessly.
Throughout the whole school, active learning is taking place on a daily basis. The enthusiasm the children display is inspirational because they do not miss a moment. Children have the ability to be pleased by, and to appreciate the simpler things in life. The things that we sometimes miss. By this, I mean eggs, chickens, collecting house points and understanding the genuine need to work together. I had left my suit jacket in a classroom yesterday and this caused a problem. It was a problem because the house point list was inside the pocket. When I heard a knock at my already open door, I knew it was one of our incredibly well-mannered children. Matthew had come to find the list of house points and was very eager to find my jacket, in which they were kept. After returning with my jacket and house point list in his hand, I knew that he had taken the liberty in solving this problem!He had also decided on the way back to my room that he would combine last week’s house points and this week’s house points to ensure fairness. Well done! It makes me smile to see how our children have such initiative and are not afraid to have conversations with all of the adults around school.
I gave all children a pupil survey today and I always take pupil voice very seriously. If we don’t ask children how they feel and what goals they have then we can only presume that we know best. I have always found that the best way to really find out what they are thinking and feeling is to ask them. I was humbled at their feedback and I was delighted to read that only one child in school wasn’t happy because we didn’t have Playstation time and X-Box games. Unfortunately, this cannot be resolved but I will always try my best to provide for them in other areas.
The new Reception Class starters are flying and Year 1 children are being such wonderful role models for them. I am so very proud of them all. The whole of our Year 2 cohort have proven themselves to be amazing musicians and I will upload videos of them playing ukuleles and glockenspiels (in three part harmony) on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend.