A Special Week
We have had such a special week filled with special people and random acts of kindness. Our assembly was all about service and living humbly and I can think of many examples of this that have been noted during our first week back.
I have not long been back from spending time at ‘Play Football’ where Mrs Hamer and Mr Gilmour are raising the profile of support for Syrian refugees. The teams may well still be playing their tournaments, enjoying being in each other’s company.
If any of you have toys or unwanted clothes-especially men’s clothing, this would be gratefully received. Our refugee community are also in desperate need of baby nappies. Any unwanted men’s trainers would also be appreciated as the Syrian refugees are now fully involved in playing football. I have had the privilege of being surrounded by such polite and respectful gentlemen and I know that links will continue to strengthen. Thank you to Mrs Hamer and Mr Gilmour, who have put so much time and effort into making this afternoon so memorable and enjoyable. Mr McGill played too and it was great to see staff showing support.
My morning began in school for our Remembrance Service Family Mass and our children had created beautiful and poignant poems to display in church. It was when these were being taken up with the Offertory that I realised how much effort goes into each Family Mass. I thank all staff who continue to give their extra time and care for these events. We are looking forward to our next Family Mass, where our school band will be playing at the very end. As I tried to envision where the drum kit and 24 children would sit, complete with instruments and music stands, I decided it best to work out this logistical nightmare another time! I have, however, managed to secure a team of parishioners who are willing to carry the pieces of the drum kit over to church with us. That is half the battle! More information will be coming soon.
Our trip to the Mosque was amazing and I received a kind email from Amjad, who gave our children an in depth tour and answered some fantastic questions. He spoke of how respectful and well behaved our children were. His emails always end ‘with peace’ and this is something the world certainly needs more of.
We have another exciting week ahead. Mr Gilmour is taking his class to look at Taiwanese Art at UCLAN and the juniors are going to the cinema on Tuesday as part of their film club studies.
Thank you to our fantastic PTFA, who led another successful and enjoyable event on Friday evening. Your work is greatly appreciated.
I am looking forward to a septic tank meeting and observing the creativity that exists at St.Francis’ for another super week ahead.