A Butterfly or a Moth?
For any of you who do not know what UFA is, I will explain. Miss Taylor always tells me that I can run a school with my eyes closed but I amaze her how I have to call for back up when it comes to simple life skills. I am not offended by this because it does seem partly true! Since Miss Taylor’s welcomed return to school, I have managed to lock myself out of my cupboard and somehow managed to swap the doors to the opposite ends causing a jam. Miss Taylor solved this problem in seconds. I have entered wrong dialing codes and been a nuisance at the end of a phone and I made a great fuss about finding a butterfly that was actually a moth. Miss Taylor solved the phone problem but luckily she wasn’t in school on Friday to tut pleasantly at my mistake with insect identification!
This happened in UFA. Children in KS2 are offered exciting activities led by staff in very small groups and these change each half term. I was with the ‘Chicken Welfare’ group and that was when we saw it-the first butterfly we had seen this school year. It caused so much excitement that the photography group were called to take pictures of the beauty that sat on my hand. Small children gaze at things with joy and wonder-so do I.
Looking at the butterfly lasted for a good 15 minutes… and then he came to say goodbye. Mr.Gilmour came to our group bringing his wisdom. Soon after, Mrs.Cheetham came and within only a few words simply told us that I was holding a moth. It doesn’t have the same appeal as a butterfly so it was quickly put onto the bush to do whatever it is moths do! The original Doctor Dolittle is one of my favourite films and I really should have known that the creature I held was more similar in shape to the Great Lunar Moth.
We have welcomed wonderful new families to our school and more children have been to stay and play sessions in Pre-School. Please be reassured that numbers are still low enough in Pre-School for us to deliver a personalised learning adventure underpinned by warmth and nurture.
Fairsnape classroom has resembled a woods as more Scientific activities are underway. Art club will begin after the half term. Our Year 6 children are undertaking daily booster sessions before and after school in preparation for SATs next week. They couldn’t be working harder and their attitudes have made us proud. Keep going children. Try your best and be proud of yourselves. Thank you Mrs. Rossall for giving so much of your extra time to support the children and thanks to Miss. Dickinson for volunteering extra maths support for all Year 6 children. Mrs. Blair completes the Beacon Class team and we wish them success over the next fortnight.
Mrs. Cheetham will be staying with us in Pendle Class full time until the end of this half term.
Our governors have agreed that the change of uniform is positive and this has been ratified . Mary Frances will be selling new jumpers and cardigans for September. New starters will begin with this and there will be a period of change until all children have green jumpers and cardigans when they have out grown their current uniform.
Tomorrow your child will be coming home with a May newsletter. Please find the invitation for you all to come to a social media awareness meeting. My duty to safeguard your children extends greatly to online safety and I would very much like to see as many of you there as possible. Children are not invited to this as content is for parental information/awareness only and will not be appropriate for children to hear. We will not be able to provide childcare for your children during this meeting so please make alternative arrangements.
I think the picture below speaks volumes. Enjoy the extra day off.