Holy Week
St.Francis’ prepares for Holy Week
As Holy Week fast approaches, we have been examining and reflecting upon our actions as individuals and as a whole school. ‘Moments of Mercy’ footprints are up in school and we have now finished our beautiful pieces of art work, which depict the Stations of the Cross. During Lent, the children have been thinking about how they can prepare themselves for the great celebration of Easter as we remember the sacrifice that Jesus made for us.
As we journey with Jesus, our infants are celebrating our Palm Liturgy in Church, where they will be reminding us about Jesus riding back to Jerusalem. This is a wonderful celebration with many uplifting songs. We will also be holding reflective assemblies to remind us of the saddest events that followed and led to Jesus’ death on the cross. We will hear how Jesus had a last meal with His disciples, went out to pray, was betrayed, arrested and crucified with such pain and cruelty.
The children will be beginning Sunday Mass with a Palm Sunday procession starting at school. We do hope to see you all there.
Our Holy Week assemblies are as follows:
Thursday 17th March -2.30pm Palm Liturgy in church -Reception Class and KS1
Monday 21st March -9.10am – Pendle Class Assembly – The Last Supper
Tuesday 22nd March -9.10am – Parlick Class Assembly – Garden of Gethsemane
Wednesday 23rd March -9.10am – Fairsnape Class Assembly – crucifixion
Thursday 24th March – 9.10am – Beacon Class Assembly – The Resurrection
We break up for Easter at 1.30pm on Thursday 24th March
Good Friday – 25th March
The Easter story is at the heart of Christianity and is the most important time for us. Good Friday is the Friday before Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus’ crucifixion and great sacrifice for all of us.
Good Friday is a day of reflection in the Christian church. During special Good Friday services Christians remember Jesus’ suffering and death on the cross, and what this means for their faith.
Easter Sunday – 27th March
Easter Sunday marks Jesus’ resurrection. After Jesus was crucified on Good Friday, his body was taken down from the cross, and placed in a tomb. The tomb was sealed with an enormous stone and guarded by Roman soldiers to prevent Jesus’ body being stolen. When Mary Magdalene visited the tomb on Easter Sunday she found that the stone had been moved, and that Jesus’ body had gone. The wonderful news that Jesus came back to life and made himself known to His discpiles gives us great faith, hope and joy. As we celebrate Easter and welcome new life and growth all around us at Spring time, we will continue to grow together in the great love that Jesus has for each and every one of us.
We wish all our children and families a blessed and holy Easter 2016